Thursday, 4 July 2013

Tasha's Top Vintage Places in London

There's no doubt about it, England has some of the coolest vintage and retro stores and markets in the Western world... well in my opinion anyways.

After visiting Camden Town yesterday I thought I would write this post on some of my favourite vintage stores I've so far found in England.

Here are my picks:

  • Camden Town markets - right near the entrance to the stables, there is a line of vintage and retro stores. Some are a bit wacky with their clothing, but this is always useful if you have to go to say a disco fever themed party. However there are some really good quality clothes as well - you'll find cashmere, leather, German war parkas, fur coats (yes, most of the time it is real fur) among some of the garments available. One of the stores even has old school bikes!
  • Beyond Retro - you can find this in London and Brighton (and can also order online see: Personally, my favourite is Brighton as it is a bigger store, but in both of them you'll find loads of clothes, shoes, and accessories. This store literally has anything you can think of, and it is arranged in an easy and organised manner, so if you're looking for something in particular, like cable knit jumpers, you will find them all on the same rack together. One of the things I love about this place as well, which you'll also find on the website, is that it states the quality and wear of the garment which justifies the price, so for example it could have "never worn, hardly worn, extremely worn" and will also point out if it has any stains or damage on it, but majority of the clothes they have are in really good quality and still are pretty cheap in price. 
  • Brighton - there are so many vintage and retro stores in Brighton, too many to name (and I've forgotten many of the names), and you can find them in the high street but also in the lanes as well. I definitely think Brighton has the best vintage and retro stores, particularly because of the range and variety it has. So if you're ever in Brighton, the best thing to do is just look around and you'll come across a vintage and retro store in a matter of minutes.
  • Portobello Market -  another one of my favourite markets in England, the best time to go is on the weekend as this has everything from food markets, to antiques, to clothes. There are many different stalls of clothes, and it's all out in the open as it is a road market. This is probably the best place to look for fur coats, when I've visited before I had found a large range of fur coats at many of the stalls, and in all different varieties too such as long ones, short ones, vests, etc. These markets are a bit of a win or lose for clothes, unlike the other places mentioned, so you just have to look more at the quality of the clothes here but all the coats were in really good quality. As these are road markets, you're most likely find these are cheaper vintage clothes too. 

Well that's all I have for my list for now, they are my favourite ones I have so far come across in my time in England, but I am sure they are many more to find!

      ^ The vintage stores at Camden Town ^

Feel free to comment if you have any favourite vintage and retro places in England, or places you think I should check out :)

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